
Senior Investigators

Juan José Vaquero

Senior Researcher

Full Professor at UC3M and Senior Researcher at the IiSGM, leading BSEL-CMBIES group.   Telecommunications Engineer and PhD in Bioengineering from the Universidad Politecnica de  Madrid, with experience  in medical imaging  and a successful track record of inventions and scientific contributions in preclinical imaging. He has participated in the IMI PreDiCT-TB project (GA115337) and he is the coordinator of the IMI ERA4TB project (GA853989), the largest European research project to develop treatments and technologies  to fight  tuberculosis.

ORCID: 0000-0001-9200-361X

Evan Stuart Balaban

Senior researcher

Distinguished Professor at UC3M. BA in Anthropology and Linguistics (Michigan State University, USA), Ph.D. in Biology (The Rockefeller University, USA), specializing in Ethology/Animal Behavior, Genetics, and Neurobiology. Postdoctoral fellow with Nicole Le Douran (1986 Kyoto Prize in Advanced Technology) at the Institut d’Embryologie Cellulaire et Moleculaire, CNRS and College de France in Paris (France). Assistant and Associate Professor at Harvard University’s Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (USA, 1989-94). Head of the Laboratory of Neural Development and Behavior at The Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla (USA, 1994-2001, institute founded by the late Nobel Laureate Gerald Edelman), Associate Professor in the Neuroscience Program at the City University of New York (USA, 2001-2003), and the Behavioral Neurosciences Program at McGill University (Canada, 2003-15). Honored with a Visiting Professorship in the Cognitive Neuroscience Sector of the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Italy, 2004-08). BBVA Research Chair in Biomedicine at the Laboratorio de Imagen in the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Spain, 2008-09). Program Director, Neural Systems Cluster, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Division of the Directorate of Biological Sciences at the National Science Foundation (NSF, USA) from 2015-22, a US governmental organization that funds basic research. Part-time UC3M-Santander Chair of Excellence in the Departamento de Bioingeniería e Ingeniería Aeroespacial (2017-18, Spain). Since January 2023 he has been working at UC3M helping to set up the Neuroscience Degree program (the first one in Europe) and the establishment of the School of Biomedical Sciences, expect to open in 2024.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0391-3433.

Maria Pompeliano

Senior researcher

Distinguished Professor, María Zambrano Scholar, UC3M. Graduated in Medicine by the University of Pisa (Italy, 1986), and Ph.D. in Neuroscience at the Sant’ Anna School of Advanced studies (Italy, 1990). She has a long international experience, working as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Preclinical Research Laboratories in Basel (1990-1992, Switzerland), Assistant Professor in the University of Pisa (1992-2010, Italy), Associate Professor at McGill University (2010-2016, Canadá), and Visiting Researcher and Biorepository Associate at George Washington University (2017-2022, USA). Since January 2023 she assumed the position of Distinguished Researcher contributing to the establishment of the new School of Biomedical Sciences at the UC3M. Her main research interests are neuroscience and neurology, developmental biology, biochemical physiology and molecular biology. 

ORCID: 0000-0001-9418-3896.

Alfonso Mendoza Losana

Senior researcher

Distinguished Researcher at UC3M  since March 2021. Ph.D. in Biological Sciences (1991). With 27 years of experience in Drug Discovery, holding 2 patents, and currently overseeing 5 compounds in various phases of clinical development. Engaged in numerous projects aimed at identifying and advancing new antimicrobial agents. Served as Coordinator for GSK in European projects (ORCHID,PredicTB, ERA4TB) and the international TBDA (Tuberculosis Drug Accelerator). Initiated and coordinated GSK’s activities focused on Covid-19 (diagnosis, support for clinical trials, and Drug Discovery) throughout 2020. He has also been helping to establish the School of Biomedical Sciences, expected to open in 2024 at UC3M. ORCID: 0000-0003-2493-4118.

Santiago Ferrer Bazaga

Senior researcher

Scientific Advisor for Drug Discovery at UC3M. Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of Barcelona (1995), with a 24-year research career in the pharmaceutical industry. Specializing in Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics, and the Metabolism of anti-infectives, he served as the head of GSK’s Level 3 Biosafety facilities for in vivo work in Spain for 6 years. Subsequently, he became the Head of the Department of Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Pharmacology. He has actively participated in numerous projects for the identification and development of antimicrobials and represented GSK in various international projects (GSK-MMV Support Group, PreDiCT-TB, AnTBiotic, ERA4TB). He has also been helping to establish the School of Biomedical Sciences, expected to open in 2024 at UC3M. With extensive experience in translational pharmacology, he is a co-author of over 65 publications in scientific journals. 

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6672-551X

Patricio López Expósito

Senior researcher

Project Manager and Researcher. Chemical Engineer, MSc. in Bioinformatics and Biostatistic and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering. Extensive experience in data analysis, development of computational models, and algorithms for the analysis of micro and nanometric images in biotechnological applications. He has actively participated in more than 10 national and European projects, contributing to both research and management tasks (including the management of 4 projects funded by the Community of Madrid).

 ORCID: 0000-0002-0553-3370

David Pérez Benito

Senior researcher

Project Manager and Researcher. Physicist, MSc. in Computational Biomedical Engineering from the University of Eastern Finland , and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering in the field of Nuclear Medicine. Extensive experience in digital signal processing, medical imaging reconstruction, electronics, and laser material processing. He worked for 4 years as software developer for the company Eemagine Medical Imaging Solutions in Berlin. His main areas of interest are medical imaging and EEG.He currently participates in one national project and two European projects, contributing to both research and management tasks.

 ORCID: 0000-0003-0575-0671.

Post-doctoral Researchers

Lidia Tapia de Hernández

PhD Students

María Fernanda Raigosa Muñoz

Research Assistants (RA) and Msc. Students (MS)

Melissa Calle M.


Luis Batres Mongil


Francisco de Dios Antón


Adrián Pecero Ortega

(MS | RA)

Juan Camilo Zabala H.

  (MS | RA)

Marina Diaz Uzquiano

María de la Jara Felipe Maestre


Lidia Jiménez Algarra

Research Project Manager

Laura Alises Fernández

Jara Martinez Sánchez

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